For the first time, investors can now buy and sell exchange-traded notes (ETNs) based on the cryptocurrencies Cardano and Stellar at Boerse Stuttgart.
The securities issued by 21Shares track the price of the two cryptocurrencies in relation to the euro.

Börse Stuttgart
‘Interest in cryptocurrencies continues to grow, and market momentum remains strong. With the ETNs, investors can now participate in the price development of the two cryptocurrencies Cardano and Stellar through exchange-traded securities,’

Jürgen Dietrich
explains Jürgen Dietrich, Director Blue Chips & Funds Trading at Boerse Stuttgart:
‘Investors also benefit from the long trading hours of crypto ETNs at Boerse Stuttgart, as they can respond to the volatile crypto markets from 8:00 to 22:00 hours CET.‘
A total of 22 ETNs on cryptocurrencies are tradable at Boerse Stuttgart – four of which were among the 30 exchange-traded products with the highest order book turnover in 2021. The first crypto ETNs were listed at Boerse Stuttgart in November 2017.
Featured image credit: Börse Stuttgart
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